The £78 million Darwin Centre, a brand new extension to London's Natural History Museum, occupies a spectacular eight-storey-high concrete Cocoon suspended within a glass outer box. Sysco is lead AV contractor on the project, on behalf of project managers Cultural Innovations.
Cocoon features an array of exhibits, each unique, in a curved walkway that spirals through several of its floors. Sysco's work is the first sight that greets visitors in the shape of the 12-metre-wide Climate Change Wall, an un-missable glass wall of high resolution screens that display films and interactive graphics, spotlighting Earth's changing climate and how the Museum's research informs global efforts to understand that change.
Motion sensor technology allows visitors to interact with the graphics.Audio commentary and subtle sound effects are delivered from multiple HD based sources to Cloud 4ch CXA4 and 8ch CXA850 amplifiers. These power a variety of loudspeakers throughout the Cocoon.
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